Guess the dance films

Love dance? Love film? So how much of a dance film buff are you? Can you guess the following eight films about dance from these brief (and not completely inaccurate) descriptions? Click on the “Answer” buttons to find out. No cheating!

Guess the dance films

Love dance? Love film? So how much of a dance film buff are you? Can you guess the following eight films about dance from these brief (and not completely inaccurate) descriptions? Click on the “Answer” buttons to find out. No cheating!

Number 1:

A well to do family whose youngest daughter has lovingly / patronizingly been nicknamed “baby”; stay at a resort for their summer vacations where the resort’s performance staff have late night parties that involve “(insert adjective here) dancing”.


Number 2:

A teenager from Chicago discovers to his great shock and horror that the generic god-fearing small American town where he’s just moved to with his mother has banned dancing and rock music.


Number 3:

Uninterested in the “masculine” pursuit of boxing and the pleasures that come from repeatedly punching someone else in the face, our film’s protagonist one day notices a ballet class and immediately takes an interest.


Number 4:

An Australian ballroom dancer….. (Need I say more?)


Number 5:

Unable to convincingly perform the role of an evil character in a ballet, the female lead of this film pops some ecstasy, has vivid sexual fantasies involving a female colleague and spirals into madness which naturally leads to her performing spectacularly well on the opening night AND bleeding profusely from a self inflicted wound.


Number 6:

With the advent of talking pictures, a silent movie star struggles to find success with amateurish dialogue and his co-star’s grating New York accent. Fortunately his recent love interest and his long time friend (the film’s persistent “third wheel”) create a highly successful talking picture musical.


Number 7:

The monotony of his dead-end job and living under the roof of his parent’s home is broken each Saturday night when our main character dances at the 2001 Odyssey club to the most famous over indulgence of falsetto singing, baseline driven 70’s disco track known to humankind.


Number 8:

This film follows some teenagers as they audition for the New York School for Performing Arts, right through to their graduation, which includes pleasant scenes such as a student considering suicide and another who has an abortion so as to avoid jeopardizing her career. Let’s just assume they all live happily ever after.


So what was your total: ?/8

iokasti method

The ancient Greeks created gods that personified their natural world. The sea was represented by Poseidon, love and beauty by the goddess Aphrodite and the sky by Zeus. They prayed and made sacrifices to their gods and the tales from their mythology have persevered to the present day. But our practices have evolved and we no longer beg deities for good fortune. So what is the modern recourse for someone seeking an improvement in their health and wellbeing?

What is the iokasti method?

The ancient Greeks created gods that personified their natural world. The sea was represented by Poseidon, love and beauty by the goddess Aphrodite and the sky by Zeus. They prayed and made sacrifices to their gods and the tales from their mythology have persevered to the present day. But our practices have evolved and we no longer beg deities for good fortune. So what is the modern recourse for someone seeking an improvement in their health and wellbeing?

Part Hebe part Hygeia

Iokasti is a goddess in all but name. She is a living embodiment of eternal youth and her studio is a place of worship for those seeking a love and confidence of themselves. Whilst marble temples lay dormant with spoilt offerings and unanswered prayers, Iokasti delivers her blessings to each and everyone who performs her ceremonies – the iokasti method.

“Give me twenty three minutes of your day and I will give you the body of a dancer”

No bloodletting required, but a small commitment of your time is richly rewarded! The iokasti method improves your posture and excess weight is banished from your body without the need to sacrifice the pleasure of eating. Iokasti shows you a way to have satisfying meals that are also healthy and natural. Over time you will reconnect to your self-esteem, sensuality and feminine being.

You won’t run through repetitive routines, her method is more akin to dance than an exercise regime and with this comes both the health benefits and the joy of movement. The symmetry between wellbeing and dance is paralleled with Iokasti and our PRIMA ballet barre: her methodology performed on our dance equipment.

“I’ll be by your side with every step you take”

Iokasti has spent a life of dancing. Her love of body movement led her to train in ballet, contemporary dance and acrobatics. Her passion ran strong and her training translated into professional work as a dance and circus artist in theatres throughout Europe. She has infused this wealth of experience into her self-named method and is now dedicated to helping others stay in shape.

This is not mythology; it’s methodology!

Click here to find out more about the iokasti method

BARREtoned member discount

How do you feel after a workout? Ouch? Phew? *sob*? Zzzz? I think I fall somewhere between “phew” and “zzzz”, a combination of relief and exhaustion which doesn’t particularly bode well for my motivation to return to the gym. But workouts don’t need to leave you this way.

BARREtoned member discount

How do you feel after a workout?

  • Ouch
  • Phew
  • *sob*
  • Zzzz

I think I fall somewhere between “phew” and “zzzz”, a combination of relief and exhaustion which doesn’t particularly bode well for my motivation to return to the gym. But workouts don’t need to leave you this way. Wouldn’t it be far better to finish feeling happy? Wouldn’t it be great to feel more and more energetic after each session? Wouldn’t it just be absolutely all-round fantastic if you left feeling confident?

I know you’re all nodding your head in agreement thinking, “Yes it would be great but that kind of workout only exists in the realm of fantasy”. And that little sadistic part of you is probably subconsciously thinking that an exercise regime that doesn’t leave you browbeaten is not real exercise. After all, if you don’t go home in agony and feeling like a worthless sack of flesh and bones, then you haven’t gained any benefit from going to the gym, right?


You may be familiar with barre exercise methods that combine postures from ballet with small controlled movements to promote toned muscles and a streamlined flexible body. And you may also be dismissive of such classes because they don’t involve 5’000 kg dumb-bells and bulking up to dinosaur proportions. (Hey guys, I’m looking at you) But these types of workouts are precisely the rewarding and enjoyable experience that most people crave.

So put a tick next to my three earlier rhetorical questions, because BARREtoned of the UK offer a workout that will leave you feeling happy, energetic and confident. I should be putting an exclamation mark at the end of that sentence, but I’m going to save them for what comes next.

Just like if the end of global warming were followed by world peace: the good news just keeps rolling in. If you can’t attend a BARREtoned class at their London studio, don’t worry. BARREtoned have online classes of easy to follow videos! (Exclamation mark number 1)

If you don’t have a ballet barre at home, there’s no need to fold your arms and have a strop in the corner. We at Dinamica Ballet now offer ALL BARREtoned members a 20% discount on our 1½m PRIMA ballet barre and what’s more, you can purchase it through our online shop! (Exclamation mark number 2)

Is this not just pure awesomeness? (Rhetorical question number 4)

Tear up that gym broacher promoting an hour of being shouted at by an ex high school PE teacher. Ignore those messages on your phone, persistently reminding you kindly that you can pay someone to run your body into the ground. Set fire to the reams of junk mail with nauseating colours trying to infiltrate your mind with the summer body look that only requires a single debilitating hour per day contorting your body to all manner of exercise machines…..

*catch your breath*

BARREtoned is in town and working out has never been more fun and rewarding.

Yoga & More “temple of the senses”

I don’t think I’m the only one who experiences a yearning for satisfaction that ultimately seems unattainable. I used to believe that personal and professional success would fulfil the feeling of inner emptiness; that achieving my heart desires would bring me happiness.

Yoga & More “temple of the senses”

“Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have” ~Hyman Schachtel~

I don’t think I’m the only one who experiences a yearning for satisfaction that ultimately seems unattainable. I used to believe that personal and professional success would fulfil the feeling of inner emptiness; that achieving my heart desires would bring me happiness. Just like a kid tearing open a Christmas present and screaming “I said I wanted GTA 5, not 4!!!”, I’ve found myself continuously dissatisfied with what I have and always wanting more. Somewhere in my life I must have taken a wrong turn. The advertisement promised me utopia, but all I got was a $50 tub of face cream to cover over my ‘worry lines’.


Alright, so maybe I’m not a good case example of having achieved ‘personal and professional success’, but you don’t need to look too hard to find people we aspire to be who are unhappy in their own lives. Just think of the terminally miserable Morrissey, surely if I was him, wouldn’t I be happy? Or the numerous celebrities and wealthy people who struggle with drug addiction, broken relationships and depression. The problem is, even though I understand it’s futile to expect happiness is only a few hundred thousand dollars away (and then some), I don´t know how to ‘want’ what I already have.

So now what?

Ferri Djabbari understands this emotional predicament. He understands it so well in fact that he offers an opportunity to escape the vicious circle and the feeling of restlessness, inner emptiness and dissatisfaction. In 2008, Ferri and his colleagues opened Yoga & More with the conviction that Yoga helps people learn how to find the value in themselves and not be dependent on external factors. In other words, finding happiness and fulfilment in what you have… or more accurately, in what you ARE.

Yoga & More or the “temple of the senses” as it has been described, is located in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany. Here you’ll be guided in reaching a “state of calmness and tranquillity and experience acceptance of what is”. It offers a spa area and spaces to relax and meditate and a range of carefully selected, quality items that help bring the body and soul into harmony. And no, I’m not talking about audio CDs of soothing whale sounds.

But Yoga is not just a spiritual experience, it also offers health benefits. If you go along to Yoga & More, you can also take part in one of their “Yoga Barre Fusion” sessions and experience our ballet barres. We provided the centre with our MAURICE portable ballet barres and ARABESQUE-DOUBLE wall mounted barres and with their smooth natural wooden beams, we think they’ve added some sensuality to the “temple of the senses”.

So why not try them? Get yourself over there and be advised by friendly and knowledgeable professionals or just enjoy the atmosphere in the lounge with a nice cup of tea and a chat. Remember, Yoga doesn’t mean a disconnection from the world, but rather a deeper understanding of it through the individual.

Global Floors of Russia

Global Floors of Russia is Dinamica Ballet’s newest business partner. In operation since 2010 as a distributor in the creative industries, they import dance, theatre and stage equipment for the Russian market and now also offer our entire range of fixed and portable ballet barres.

Global Floors of Russia is Dinamica Ballet’s newest business partner. In operation since 2010 as a distributor in the creative industries, they import dance, theatre and stage equipment for the Russian market and now also offer our entire range of fixed and portable ballet barres.

The company not only supply equipment, but also offer installation. With six years of experience and a wide range of clients numbering some five hundred different organizations such as ​​concert halls, theatres and dance schools; Global Floors have successfully undertaken many extensive and complicated projects over the years.

Their workforce of professional and enthusiastic staff ensures clients receive friendly and superior quality service. Global Floors work closely with their customers to find the best solution to their needs and ensure timely service and delivery.

There has never been a better time to find Dinamica Ballet equipment in your region. Our distributor network now stretches from South America, through Europe to Russia.

You can view the official website of Dinamica Ballet’s newest distributor here: Global Floors

International Dance Day

As a child being raised on a film diet of “Singing In The Rain”, “The Sound Of Music” and “West Side Story”, I was lead to believe that seemingly random people spontaneously breaking into perfectly choreographed dance routines was the norm.

As a child being raised on a film diet of “Singing In The Rain”, “The Sound Of Music” and “West Side Story”, I was lead to believe that seemingly random people spontaneously breaking into perfectly choreographed dance routines was the norm. It took me many years to realise that the reason why I hadn’t experienced this phenomena in the flesh was because the reality represented in these musicals was a bucket load of stinky hogwash. Back then, I simply didn’t understand why the plane stewards started shouting at me to sit down when I broke into On The Good Ship Lollipop. (I had the curly hair and everything!) Or why I ended up with bruises and a broken nose when I ran through the Make ‘Em Laugh routine. (… but oh boy did they laugh at me!)

So wouldn’t it be great if the reality of musicals was…. real? Well the International Dance Council has been working hard on this issue since 1982. They believe that despite the cultural significance of dance throughout human history, it is rarely prioritized in an official manner. So each year on the 29th of April, International Dance Day is celebrated. The idea behind the event is to try and attract the attention of the wider public, to the art of dance. In other words, International Dance Day is aimed at the Joe Blows of this world whose only exposure to any form of rhythmic body movement is watching a goal celebration in football.

If International Dance Day can get enough of the wider public interested in dance, then there’s still hope yet that I can get a posse of mates following me around town in a supposedly intimidating demeanour the next time I start snapping my fingers. So spread the word…. The 29th of April is International Dance Day!

Planning an event for International Dance Day? Contact the Dance Day official website

FIBO 2016 is over

FIBO 2016 is over and it was difficult leaving Cologne with so many fitness guides and bottles of Kölsch to fit into our luggage. Fortunately there are some incredibly useful videos on the internet to help desperate souvenir hoarders such as myself, pack a bag.

I’ll spare you the sad emoji face, but….

FIBO 2016 is over and it was difficult leaving Cologne with so many fitness guides and bottles of Kölsch to fit into our luggage. Fortunately there are some incredibly useful videos on the internet to help desperate souvenir hoarders such as myself, pack a bag. After we finally managed to forcibly zip-up our suitcases and shove them into a distant overhead compartment above someone else’s seat, it was time for Dinamica Ballet to fly back to Barcelona and reflect on our involvement with FIBO and PILOXING®

a guide to packing suitcases

A useful guide to packing suitcases

What do you get when you put 200 Lycra wearing enthusiasts and 25 barres in the same hall?


FIBO 2016 saw Viveca Jensen run her RINGSIDE event master class with the aid of Dinamica Ballet. We sponsored the occasion and provided twenty-five of our PINA and ISA barres for the instructors and participants to use.

But why Dinamica Ballet?

Simple reason really, our barres are strong, sturdy and very stable which make them perfect for fitness workouts. You don’t have to worry about toppling over Dinamica Ballet barres during a routine, because they’ve been designed to stand upright and stable. Our barres let you focus on your exercises instead of compromising your moves to offset a flimsy barre.


Did you forget to come and visit us?


The PILOXING RINGSIDE event was an amazing experience to be a part of and we congratulate Viveca on her continued success. It was great for Dinamica Ballet to join and feel a part of the PILOXING community. We had a number of barre workout instructors come speak to us after the event to enquire about our fixed and portable barres and to reserve their 25% discount.

But if you forgot to visit us, or simply weren’t at the event, you can still get our 25% PILXONG discount. This special offer will be available until the end of April and can be claimed on all of our products. (Un)fortunately, you won’t have the chance to see our shiny happy faces in person.

Contact us to claim your discount before the end of April: 25% PILOXING discount


And now let me leave you with some of the highlights of FIBO 2016.

I’d hate to be one of those pesky kids who stole their shirts.

Next year he starts on his lower body… OK, OK, I’m just envious.

Introducing Pogo-bell

Sunyard Pilates Club Barre Workout

There is more than just one way to enjoy music at a club. Sunyard Pilates Club offers an alternative that won’t leave you with morning after regrets and a debilitating headache. With thoroughly enjoyable workouts done to the energetic beats of music, a SYPC® training session seems more like a night out than a workout at a fitness studio.

There is more than just one way to enjoy music at a club. Sunyard Pilates Club offers an alternative that won’t leave you with morning after regrets and a debilitating headache. With thoroughly enjoyable workouts done to the energetic beats of music, a SYPC® training session seems more like a night out than a workout at a fitness studio.

As the largest boutique fitness studio in Munich, Sunyard Pilates Club is an exclusive woman’s only centre that offers workout concepts from the USA. Distinguishing themselves from conventional fitness studios, SYPC® training combines methods from an array of other disciplines with unique class names such as “Apple Curves Body toning”, “Ultimate Sixpack Pilates”, “California Beach Workout” and “Burn Baby Burn” *which should be done to the accompaniment of this song*

Working out at SYPC® feels like a social meet up. Unlike in larger fitness studios, local participants get to know each other, network and form new friendships with fellow neighbours. But the socializing doesn’t end in the classroom, the SYPC® Facebook page and online blog offer members healthy recipes and motivational advice on training and fitness. Sunyard Pilates Club understands the importance of the individual and provides personal attention and individual training to their members. To top it all off, the SYPC® Academy offers professional training programs, e.g. as a Barre Workout Instructor!

In case the earlier mentioned parallel between a night club and Sunyard Pilates Club wasn’t enough, here’s one I’ve come up with:

SYPC® also has a bar… in fact they have multiple bars…. Ballet barres that is! *Ouch, it’s so painful to read I’m wondering why I haven’t deleted it!*

Dinamica Ballet are ecstatic to have been chosen to supply our PRIMA and ISA freestanding ballet barres for Sunyard Pilates Club. They may not be appropriate for resting a drink on them, but they’re perfect for fitness training. *Oh dear, there I go again.*

FIBO is back!

Dust off your dumbbells and start popping your vitamin supplements, FIBO is back! The convention runs between the 7th to the 10th of April and you’ll be hard pressed to find a greater concentration of six-packs and bodies glistening in baby oil.

Dust off your dumbbells and start popping your vitamin supplements,

FIBO is back!


This year Cologne in Germany plays host to the world’s largest event devoted to health, fitness and wellbeing. The convention runs between the 7th to the 10th of April and you’ll be hard pressed to find a greater concentration of six-packs and bodies glistening in baby oil.

The event will showcase some of the latest fitness trends from across the globe and this year Dinamica Ballet are partnering with PILOXING® by providing twenty-five of our PINA and ISA freestanding barres. PILOXING®s “RINGSIDE” event will have method founder Viveca Jensen giving a sneak peek into a new choreography. Participants will have the chance to not only improve their health with a new workout, but also experience first-hand the strength, stability and smooth wooden beams of Dinamica Ballet’s barres . Excited? If your muscles are in spasms of expectation then sign up to attend RINGSIDE by clicking >here<

Visit the PILOXING® stand Hall 5.1 BU2 at FIBO and learn more about PILOXING® Barre. Dinamica Ballet will also be on hand and you can ask us about our range of fixed and portable ballet barres and studio mirrors. On top of that, we’ve got a little surprise for you… For FIBO 2016, Dinamica Ballet are offering all attendees a 25% discount off our entire range of products. To put this into context, the discount is the equivalent of a workout that drops someone’s weight from 100kg down to 75kg overnight. If only losing weight were as easy as speaking to us at FIBO  🙁

But if you can’t make it to FIBO this year, you can always consider coming out here to Barcelona. The modest gentlemen at Barceloneta beach are always more than happy to show off… I mean “showcase” their workouts for all to see. You might want to bring that sulphuric eye rinse with you.

A new chapter begins

It’s done.

What you’re looking at now is the result of many long hours of conceptualizing, programming, writing, translating and an unforgivable number of coffees. It’s been a long journey, but we’ve finally made it without completely dissolving our stomach lining from the excessive caffeine.

It’s done.

What you’re looking at now is the result of many long hours of conceptualizing, programming, writing, translating and an unforgivable number of coffees. It’s been a long journey, but we’ve finally made it without completely dissolving our stomach lining from the excessive caffeine. If you’re a returning visitor or you’re visiting us for the first time,


cue the fanfare

Welcome to the new look Dinamica Ballet website!


fireworks – lots of people dancing – DJ playing “celebrate good times” – an all round general party atmosphere

We’ve aimed to provide you with all the information you need, easily accessible so that you can make an informative decision when buying our products. Now you can…

  • View a plethora of new photos that detail our product’s features.
  • Access our product’s tech sheets and assembly instructions online.
  • Download our entire product catalogue.
  • Discover some of our collaborations with clients over the years.
  • Keep up to date with the world of dance.

Wait a minute…. what’s that button up at the top that reads “Shop”? The more audacious amongst you are furiously pressing it right now to find out. For the rest of you who are so enthralled in reading this article, I’ll tell you what that button is. Basically, it’s a link to our shop… Dinamica Ballet’s Online Shop! ←Hyperlinked for your convenience.

You can now purchase some of our equipment directly online with a few simple clicks of your mouse, taps on your keyboard or oily swipes across your portable devices. And because we’ve included tax and transport cost in the price, you won’t need a degree from the school of Ryanair dodgy business practices to figure out how much you need to pay.

We still offer personalised price quotations, so if you’re an organization or someone who wants to buy multiple products or customized products, contact us directly.

One last thing… we´d like to know your feedback. If you feel there’s more we can do to improve your experience on our site, please let us know. As Albert Einstein once said:

“Nothing happens until something moves”

so go out there on a click fest and discover our new website!